March 30, 2010

Spring Cleaning

I'm rarely inspired to clean up around these parts but when I do it's THE BIG LEAGUES. So at the top of my list, after washing dishes for 45 minutes this evening - no, I don't own a dishwasher - was to clean all of my beauty products.

I've been waiting for weeks to do my laundry, the floors are a bit grimy, and the tops of every piece of wood furniture I own is a tad dusty. But priorities were definitely realigned to make way for cleaning all of my makeup brushes and compacts.

There's not a speck of dust on those products.

These brushes are so clean it actually feels like you're conditioning your skin when using them.

A Wiseman Once Said . . .  Now on to that laundry I was talking about . . .


  1. How do you clean your brushes?!? You've just reminded me that I need to do that too I just don't know the best way to do it.

  2. I'll write a post about that tonight!

  3. These brushes are so clean it actually feels like you're conditioning your skin when using them.
    TV Stand NZ


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